"Waiting On" Wednesday
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Queen of Shadows av Sarah J. Maas
Throne of Glass #4
Releasedatum: 1 september 2015

Everyone Celaena
Sardothien loves has been taken from her. But she's at last returned to the
empire—for vengeance, to rescue her once-glorious kingdom, and to confront the
shadows of her past . . . She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to
die just to see her again. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped
in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a
brutal king and awaiting their lost queen's triumphant return. Celaena’s epic journey has captured the hearts and
imaginations of millions across the globe. This fourth volume will hold readers
rapt as Celaena’s story builds to a passionate, agonizing crescendo that might
just shatter her world.
DEN KOMMER UT OM MINDRE ÄN EN VECKA!!!! Behöver väl inte säga mer än så.
I just got the first book in the series. I really need to catch up on this since everyone loves it so much! Great pick!
SvaraRaderaCheck out my WOW
You definitely should, it's amazing! Thanks for stopping by :)
RaderaÅh, gud. Jag längtar ihjäl mig. TBD skickade mitt ex igår. Och jag tänkte läsa om serien innan QoS. Jag hoppas iaf att vi båda kommer att älska den. :)
SvaraRaderaDe skickade mitt igår med! Åh, jag önskar att jag hade tid att göra det men jag skulle nog inte ens hinna ta mig igenom halva ToG innan QoS kommer haha ;) Jag hoppas (och tror) också att vi kommer att älska den! :)